Nix cheat sheet¶
Most used commands¶
- Install:
nix-env -i -f
→ Install the given package- Alternative:
nix search nixpkgs nixfmt
thennix profile install nixpkgs#nixfmt
- Alternative:
- Garbage collection:
nix-store --gc
ornix-collect-garbage -d
Nix package management¶
Most Important Documentation Links¶
- Nix Docs (Tool, Language):
- Nixpkgs Docs (Packaging, programs, libraries):
- NixOS Docs:
- Nixpkgs package and NixOS module search engine:
Imperative Package Management¶
- Update package list:
apt update
(happens automatically in Nix) - Search:
apt search <pkgname>
|nix search nixpkgs <pkgname>
- Install:
apt install <pkgname>
|nix profile install nixpkgs#<pkgname>
- Upgrade installed:
apt upgrade
|nix profile upgrade '*'
- List installed:
dpkg -l
|nix profile list
- Remove:
apt remove <pkgname>
|nix profile remove <list-number>
- Rollback:
nix profile rollback
Per-Project Shells¶
- Ad-hoc shell with packages:
nix shell nixpkgs#pkg1
ornix shell nixpkgs#{pkg1,pkg2}
- Project-shell with flake:
nix develop
- Project-shell with shell.nix or default.nix file:
Building Packages¶
- Build default.nix or default pkg from flake:
nix build
- Build specific attributes (flakes):
nix build .#pkg1 .#pkg2
Input Management¶
- Init flake project:
nix flake init
- Init flake-parts project:
nix flake init -t github:hercules-ci/flake-parts
- Update flake inputs:
nix flake update
- Update and commit lock file:
nix flake update --commit-lock-file
- Update specific input:
nix flake lock --update-input <name>
Flake References¶
- Flake in current Directory:
- Local path:
- HTTPS URL to flake tarball:
- Git Repo via HTTPS:
- Git Repo via SSH:
- GitHub Repo:
- Specific Branch/Tag:
Garbage Collection¶
- Collect unreferenced and store paths:
- Also collect old profile/system generations:
nix-collect-garbage -d
- Only delete up to 50GB:
nix-collect-garbage --max-freed 50G
- Find and link identical files:
nix-store --optimise
- Print all GC roots:
nix-store --gc --print-roots
- Start Nix REPL:
nix repl
- Load local Flake:
- Build derivation:
:b attribute.with.derivation
- Build & install derivation:
:i attribute.with.derivation
- Fully print expression:
:p some.expression
- Show documentation on built-in function:
:doc builtins.listToAttrs
- Show REPL help:
Nix language¶
Most Important Documentation Links¶
- Nix builtins functions:
- Nixpkgs function library:
- Nixpkgs function search engine:
- String:
"this is a string"
- Multi-line String (double single-quotes):
nix ''foo bar''
- Boolean:
- Null:
- Integer:
123, -123
- Float:
- Path:
- Simple attribute set:
{ a = 1; b = 2; }
- Nested attribute set:
{ a = 1; b = { c = 3; d = 4; }; }
- Recursive attribute set:
rec { x = 1; y = x + 1; }
- List:
[ 3 2.0 "one" null ]
- Comment:
# a single-line comment
or/* a multi-line comment */
- If-then-else:
if x > 3 then 10 else -10
- Local variables:
nix let x = 1; y = 2; in x + y # ➡ returns 3
- Attribute set assignment:
nix { x = 1; y = 2; } # ➡ returns { x = 1; y = 2; }
- Update operator:
{ x = 1; y = 2; } // { x = 2; }
- Result:
{ x = 2; y = 2; }
- Attribute set has-operator:
nix let set = { x = 1; }; in set ? x # ➡ returns true
Reference Attribute Keys¶
- Reference attribute keys:
nix s = { x = { y = 1; }; }; s.x.y # ➡ returns 1
- Reference optional attribute keys:
nix let set = { x = 1; }; in set.y or 2 # ➡ returns 2
List Concatenation¶
- Concatenate lists:
[ 1 2 ] ++ [ 3 4 ] # ➡ returns [ 1 2 3 4 ]
- Inherit:
nix let x = 1; in { inherit x; } # same as let x = 1; in { x = x; }
- Inherit from scope:
nix let x = { y = 1; }; in { inherit (x) y; } # same as let x = { y = 1; }; in { y = x.y; }
- Simple function in Python style:
nix let f = x: x + 1; in f 1 # ➡ returns 2
- Function with 2 parameters (Python style):
nix let f = x: y: x + y; in f 1 2 # ➡ returns 3
- Function with named parameters:
nix let f = { x, y }: x + y; in f { x = 1; y = 2; } # ➡ returns 3
- Match specific parameters and ignore others:
nix let f = { x, ... }: x; in f { x = 1; y = 2; z = 10; } # ➡ returns 1
- Function with default values:
nix let f = { x, y ? 2 }: x + y; in f { x = 1; } # ➡ returns 3
Other Special Syntax¶
- String interpolation:
nix let x = "bar"; in "foo ${x} baz" # ➡ returns "foo bar baz"
- Masking
in a string:
nix "this is ${masked}" # ➡ returns "this is ${masked}"
- Masking
in double single-quote strings:
nix ''this is ''${masked}'' ''
- Paths (copied to nix store when referenced):
/an/absolute/path ./a/relative/path ../dir/up/and/down
- Key from variable in attribute set:
nix let x = "key"; in { ${x} = "value"; }
Special Built-in Functions¶
- Import file and return expression:
nix import ./some/file.nix
- Assertion:
nix assert 1 + 1 == 2; 10 # ➡ returns 10 without error
- Abort evaluation with error:
nix abort "this describes the error"
- Throw an exception when referenced:
nix throw "this describes the exception"
Page last modified: 2025-03-11 18:15:19